Delta Bot Test

First test by Brian Harms of a robotic delta bot controlled through Firefly.  Motor control contains no smoothing yet, and the servo mounts are all but stable.


Robotics Platform for Hexapods

The video demonstrates an experimental hexapod robot with an integrated Kinect sensor that tracks real-time human gestures. These are fed into a 3D model allowing the robot to follow and learn. The project was developed by Future Cities Lab R&D.

Using Firefly, Grasshopper for Rhino, Arduino and Kinect Sensor

Research Lead: Jason Kelly Johnson -
Lab Associates: Ripon deLeon, Ji Ahn, Fernando Amenedo
Supported by CCA Digital Craft Lab


Delta Bot Print Head Test

A quick glimpse of the definition behind the mechanics, a preview of the digital delta bot, and finally the physical delta bot working in unison with it's digital counterpart.


Delta Bot in Action

First documented operation of the A_FAB robot. It sits idle, stands, walks, changes the position of its end effector, and extrudes a material in specific patterns.  A prototype for a robot capable of creating brand new built environments for itself on a print bed potentially unlimited in size.


Kinect Head Tracker

Video demo by Andy Payne.  First attempt at creating a 3D display using head tracking from the Kinect sensor and the Firefly skeleton tracker.

Kinect Arduino Control

Video demo by Andy Payne showing a simple setup using the Kinect sensor and the Firefly skeleton tracker to control an LED and Servo using gestural movements.

Computer Vision Demo

A sneak peak of the new suite of Firefly computer vision tools available for Grasshopper.

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Submit Your Work

This section shows some of the work created by the incredibly talented members of the Firefly community.  If you've got a video you'd like to share, drop us a line and tell us about.  Just fill out the information and we'll make sure to add it to the gallery!